Thursday, March 25, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I went on a family vacation to Mexico. We drove the whole way down there and so you can imagine how long we were in the car for. After getting back over the boarder into America we stopped at a gas station to, you know what, pee. I was in line for the one person restroom behind a very heavy older looking Mexican woman and her granddaughter. It finally became their turn to enter the restroom that reeked like gosh knows what so I was next in line. And it was a good thing. I was holding it for a long time in the car. Anyways, after about 3 minutes of being in the restroom, the 4 year old granddaughter opened the door and held it wide open. I took one look over and saw something I wish I hadn't. The Mexican lady was just sitting there doing her business as her granddaughter held the door open for all the people at that poor gas station to see. Obviously the woman didn't want to be exposed to everyone as she clearly demonstrated by yelling at the top of her lungs to the young girl in Spanish. The girl finally shut the door and after a flush and a run of water they exited the restroom like nothing had just happened. Oh but something just happened. We all saw it.

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